29 Mar Welcoming Veracode co-founder Chris Wysopal to the Humanyze board
I’m excited that Chris Wysopal is joining our board at Humanyze. I first met Chris at an MIT angels event last year, soon after he had sold Veracode to CA Technologies for $614M (one of Boston’s largest enterprise software exits in the past couple years). He was very down-to-earth, just a good guy despite all the success he had recently seen. I like that kind of person a lot. He mentioned that he was looking for great boards to join.
I immediately thought of Humanyze when I met Chris. He and Ben are both very technical founders, both pioneers of their respective spaces and ingrained in their communities. They have a real passion for their work, and built companies around that passion and world-class expertise. I felt they would connect on that level.
Chris also has had a decade of experience of selling software to large enterprises around the world, and is known as a highly strategic thinker. As we scale Humanyze over the coming years, Chris’ experience as a co-founder of Veracode – and as a board member from inception to exit – will be incredibly valuable, especially being so proximate to the Humanyze office in the Boston area. It’s another part of our journey to build a large and globally impactful business.
I’ve learned a lot about building boards over the past 2-3 years. It’s a bit like filling in a puzzle – all the pieces have to interlock, and be complementary in how they look together when the image is complete. I like bringing in individuals who command respect, who are willing and able to mentor along specific tactical axes, and who are ready to voice their opinions, to argue their points regardless of who is around the table. Chris checks all these boxes and passes the good human being test too.
I’m glad Chris and I stayed in touch and that we’re now going to have the opportunity to work together at Humanyze. He joins us at an incredibly exciting time for the company (see The Economist cover article for this week)!